Sunday, January 20, 2008


Meeting Santa

All I want for Christmas is two front teeth- wait that's all I have

Hangin' with Dad

The Nativity

Christmas Chaos

Britt pretended to be a "Randall the bow-legged cowboy" for hours.


Suz said...
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Suz said...


Shani said...

Should I know who Randall the bowlegged cowboy is?

Angel said...

Yes Shani you should. It is to the tune of Rudolf and it goes like this.. "Randoff the bull legged cowboy, cowboy. Had a very shiny gun. And if you ever saw it, saw it, you would turn away and run...." My Dad actually taught it to him at our Christmas party. I learned it growing up but maybe he made it up himself. Does anyone else know this song?

Meghan said...

never heard it. but i was amazed at that picture - the grace and balance he shows is unlike any other event in his life. what a guy.